Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August Outfits

August is my birthday month! I also traveled back to Illinois for the first time since 2019 to visit my parents in their new place! Even though there was a bit of traveling I still got in some outfit wearing 💖

Some days I want to dress up but feel like putting in almost no effort. That's what this outfit was. I kinda just threw it on because the neighbors are having some sort of work done and we just needed to get out of the house but I hadn't dressed up this week! Socks and jacket I've worn with this skirt before, my flat shoes for comfort and stick on a headbow without really doing my hair...But this is the reality of what I feel like my lazy coords look like! 

We went to Coldstone to get the Nintendo special edition flavors they released in promotion for some of their games! I liked the Kirby with strawberry ice-cream the best. 
Headbow: BtSSB 
Jacket: Offbrand 
Necklace, socks: Angelic Pretty 
Shoes: Queen Bee

It was my birthday! We went to Boger Bog for a short walk, to Starbucks for free birthday drink, and played lots of board games! My mom also made cupcakes 🧁❤️ I'm officially 34 😳
Headbow, Hair Comb, Bracelet, Socks: Angelic Pretty 

We actually went into downtown Chicago this day! Chris had never been before so we got to show him some of Millennium Park (including The Bean, and the face fountains) the Buckingham Fountain, and we went to tea at the Russian Tea Time restaurant which it has been years since I went there for tea!!
Hair bows, socks, pouch: BtSSB 
Blouse: Alice and the Pirates 
Shoes: Queen Bee

I usually wear this OP at conventions in the evening for dancing or other comfy wandering around purposes but it still counts I think towards my wear everything goal! Since I wore other stuff this year at con for that purpose I instead wore it to hang out with a friend and get Nothing Bunt Cakes, tea, and Korean food! 
Cardigan, hairbow: Angelic Pretty 
Cell phone pouch: BtSSB
Shoes: Melissa

Another friend invited me to an art festival/market happening a few towns over. It was rather hot so I went with another casual OP but still with tights and brought along a parasol for sun protection. There were so many amazing artists! (but also mostly $$$ 😳) I did end up buying a mini purple glass pumpkin which was rather affordable and cute!

OP: Elise
Headbow: Innocent World 
Cell phone pouch: BtSSB 
Pin: Milkribbon 
Shoes: American Duchess 

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