Thursday, December 1, 2022

November Outfits

Second to last month of wearing everything! I actually have a light at the end of the tunnel and I think I can actually do it! 

A friend of ours ended up getting tickets to a sort of open world escape room? It was Alice in Wonderland themed and people actually dressed up to do the event! It was a lot of walking but we did pretty good for our first time doing something like this. Some of the clues were weirdly written but we had a great time anyway!

Beret, Necklace: Angelic Pretty
Cardigan, Blouse: BtSSB
Shoes: Queen Bee

We went to see the new Black Panther Wakanda Forever movie! I really liked it ❤️
Blouse, Cardigan: BtSSB
Hairbow: Innocent World 
Necklace: My Inspiration 
Pin: Milkribbon
Shoes: American Duchess

I went to go get coffee with a new friend and went to the Teaspoon casual meet in SJ! They had a seasonal Nutella drink that was super good! I also picked up two manga I've been looking at for a bit as well as the Starember art book for Heaven Official's Blessing!! ❤️ I thought they sold out but they had some in stock at Kinokuniya! So lucky! I also got a mochi cupcake which was actually not very good 😢
Cardigan (unseen): BtSSB
Hairbow, coat, coat, bracelet, necklace: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Queen Bee

This is also me trying desperately to make this jsk work for me! I bought it because it was the final piece of my Pink Plaid collection and as such its got to be worn for my challenge! Unfortunately I don't really like the cut on me-hence the jacket! Trying to make this cut a little lower in the waist to be a more usual cut. The JSK itself is super comfy though maybe one day I will be able to wear it on its own... 
Hat, blouse: BtSSB 
Jacket: Offbrand 
Necklace: Alice and the Pirates 
Tights: Angelic Pretty 
Shoes: Queen Bee

Chris and I went to go get the new holiday flavors from Salt and Straw before it got even colder! A simple outfit for a casual date day.

JSK:  Etta
Blouse: Angelic Pretty 
Cardigan: Alice and the Pirates
Beret: BtSSB 
Shoes: American Duchess 

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