Saturday, January 1, 2022


Hello dear readers! My name is Shannon but you may know me around the internet or lolita fashion spaces as artemiscangee. I’ve been wearing lolita fashion since I got my first dresses in 2007 and almost 15 years later have amassed quite the collection of clothes! During the day I am a librarian in California and on the weekend I am an introverted nerd who also happens to dress in frilly things. I dabble in a lot of other hobbies including cosplay, video games, board games, anime, reading, and seeking out cute desserts. I’m not always actually good at these things but they are fun for me and I try my best so I think that’s usually good enough! I don’t really consider myself a writer right now but as the year progresses and I practice maybe I will by the end!

I’m starting this blog as a way to keep track of my 2022 resolution; hopefully by blogging my experience I will avoid spamming my other social media with ramblings people aren’t particularly interested in. The main focus here in the beginning will be to do as the title suggests and wear my bows! The goal of 2022 for me is to wear every item of clothing I own and at the end figure out what I want to keep, what I want to sell and figure out if there are any holes in my wardrobe that I have not thought of yet. Hopefully I will also be more able to find happiness in wearing what I already have. Accessories are somewhat exempt from this ‘wear everything’ challenge though I am going to try my best to wear them all as well! 

Hopefully you can come on this journey with me and maybe be inspired to find joy in wearing the things that make you happy too! 

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